Wednesday, August 22, 2012

That's where Obama stands - "Are you in good hands?"

Just YES.

Slender Man Meets Jack Skellington

I predict that if Slender Man...

Ever ran into Jack Skelington...
The Sheer EPICNESS...

Would be too much to handle.

They would duke it out, and then...

They would merge into one amazingly majestic soul for all eternity.
The End.

Monday, August 13, 2012

I cannot even express my anger. Ezpecially when my own mother says, "...the only reason you're [so] upset is because the ones you know are normal..." My. OWN. Mother. Some one kill me now! this is just too much - Farmers has just signed their own death warrent!
raihc yrd!!! >:(

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Check" It out - July 22

Went to Cocoa beach today... It's a lot busier than New Smirnoff, but it had better waves. And high tide didn't come in as far! :P I did some body surfing, and ultimately had a good day... Oh yeah! Almost forgot to add that before the beach, we stopped at Subway for lunch and I was quite impressed! (If any of you are British, I mean "really impressed")
Unlike most Subways, this one gave a good amount of black olives, and when I asked for extra, they gave me EXTRA. I had way more black olives than I knew what to do with, and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
I found myself strangely missing tumblr today. Anywho, on the way home we drove through what we jokingly called a monsune! It was A LOT of rain... I love the rain. :) 
Random spewing of words, Check.
Rerun daily events, Check.
Awesomeness, CHECK!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Frog Legs - July 21

I tried frog legs at a Chinese restaurant today.... It smelt and tasted like wet dog. That is all (besides Universal Studios again).

Friday, July 20, 2012

That awkward moment when you find out it's Friday...

then you try to figure out what day you missed and the only logical explanation is 42... I mean Tuesday. O.o