Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Check" It out - July 22

Went to Cocoa beach today... It's a lot busier than New Smirnoff, but it had better waves. And high tide didn't come in as far! :P I did some body surfing, and ultimately had a good day... Oh yeah! Almost forgot to add that before the beach, we stopped at Subway for lunch and I was quite impressed! (If any of you are British, I mean "really impressed")
Unlike most Subways, this one gave a good amount of black olives, and when I asked for extra, they gave me EXTRA. I had way more black olives than I knew what to do with, and I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
I found myself strangely missing tumblr today. Anywho, on the way home we drove through what we jokingly called a monsune! It was A LOT of rain... I love the rain. :) 
Random spewing of words, Check.
Rerun daily events, Check.
Awesomeness, CHECK!

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