Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is Anybody LISTENING? - July 19

I REALLY need to get my shit together and learn how to listen when people talk.... Even I'm starting to get annoyed with my ignorance of others! Like today: I gave the kids pizza for lunch, and then found out that we were having pizza for dinner too!
Imaginary Voice: That doesn't sound so bad, Dakota...
Me: They told me two days ago, but I wasn't LISTENING!
Do you see my dilemma? I just hope that this over all Florida experience will help me with said skills... Or lack-there-of!
Side note: I've also been having a lot of pregnancy dreams lately, but we can chalk that off to being in babysitter mode 24-7, yes? My sense of logic in them is also shattered, which is quite uncommon for MY prego dreams, since after a while I usually remember my virginity - not the case all-of-a-sudden... Anyways, cheerio! ^.^

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