Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Behind the Masque - June 12

Last night I slept at, my friend, Christie's house and today I spent my entire day with her... At about 13:00 we went to the spinny park for our improv group where almost no one showed up. :( It turned out to be pretty fun all in all since we started our own mob family and Aaron (Stretch) tried on my bikini top for some photos! ;D So then, Christie (God Father) and I (Legs) went to Sal's (our new head quarters) for pizza.
We went back to her house for a while, picked up her “foster dog,” Rosetta, from the Humane Society, played Skyrim (I watched while she played), and lastly watched a few episodes of “The I.T. Crowd.” Upon my return home, not until about 20:00, my mother “banned” me from using the car because I failed to check in with her. “ can't just take the car for 20 hours on end and expect me not to worry,” were her exact words. *Don't worry, it'll pass*
The NEXT thing she did was to gift me with Part 2 of my birthday present (Part 1 was a shirt), 5 days in advance since I'll be leaving for Florida on Friday... Anyway, unwrapping said gift, I expected it to be some “mom” gift (socks, TP, etc.) but was pleasantly surprised to find this beautifully sculpted mask, like the ones used for masquerades and the theatre. She said she got it from some woman who had travelled around Italy with an operah “or something.” I was amazed by its beauty and other wordly charm, and thanked her emensely before I ran to my room to write this blog entry...
Birthday Present PART 1 (Egyptian-style shirt)

Birthday Present PART 2 (Italian Masquerade Mask)

Mask by Wayne M. Klerki
Unfortunately my wifi was down (can't guess neighbor's password) so it will probably be a bit late... Sorry. :/

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