Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bored To LIFE - June 19

The Cat woke me up two nights ago, crying. At first the cat sounded like it was just attention-seeking, with the usual "Mao!" But, then after he got himself stuck in the little incove by my bed, and I had returned him safely to the ground, he seemed to be screaming, "Daddy!" Ysterday morning I watched two episodes of "Frasier" and half an episode of "The Cosby Show" (cutest little girl ever). Tracy was at a job interview from 10:30 on, and it looks like she got the job! :)
So, when my lovely sister-in-law returned home, we all went to the Sanctuary to try out the new pool. :P Some boys were there, doing stupid things, and it almost felt like home... After that, in celebration of Tracy's new job, we went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. I want to say it was fantastic, but the seasoning was a little spicy for my tastes...

Upon our return, we quickly gave Bailey a bath... Hilarious!

 Since it was WAY too bright in my room (street lamps), Tracy lent me an eyepatch to try out... (didn't really help). Today, we went to the mall to find Hot Topic, but it apparently went out of business! D: 

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