Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I.DON'T.KNOW - June 22

This morning we saw an armadilla in the backyard and I elected to name it Elllis! ;) I also did Isabelle's hair... Then we went to the park with Tracy's mom. When we returned to the house, we discovered that we had locked ourselves outside, so we went to Target to do a little shopping, and then to the Oviedo mall to get Izzy's hair cut. Then I Tracy's mom had to run into Home Depot to get a gift card for Brother... Late father's day present? lol
After lunch (when Brother and Tracy were home to let us inside), I drove Trenten and Izzy to the pool. There were only two people there when we arrived, but they quickly left, so we had the pool ALL TO OURSELVES!!! So we came back (eventually) and I put a doll house together for my FAVORITE NIECE. :| = poker face
Then, I cleaned all the gunk off my make up (Heather - YOU know), and Izzy wanted me to put some make up on for her, so I did... I also REDID her hair. Trenten complained that I "only play with Izzy," so he and I had a one-on-one fuzeball tournament. I showed NO MERCY!!!! ~ I suck as bad as him at it... LOL
After FUZEBALL, we all decided to have some drawing time before din-din! Love me some din-din.
Me: "If today had a title, what would it be?"
Trenten: "...I don't know."

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