Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Warm Rain - June 24

I braided Isabelle's hair this morning and Tracy's parents left after breakfast. We all went to a nondenominational christian church, where there was a blood drive going on, and enjoyed a lovely service. Brother and Tracy signed Trenten and Izzy up for Vacation Bible School and I signed up as a volunteer.... Ima try to get  the people to write a note saying that I did comunity service from 9-10, monday through friday.
We ate lunch at the Town House restaurant, which has a Harley Davidson theme - "Wait! But aren't we in Florida!?" O.o Still no wifi = F U, at&t!!! :| OMG! I saw a boat that said "OZONE" on the side, sadly I had not my camera... :'(
At home, I played Barbies with Izzy (and Trenten), then went back to drawing. Isabelle borrowed my camera and took some odd pics, a couple good ones, though. One of me, and one of Trenten where he looks like Clint Eastwood (I mistakenly said John Wayne). LOL

Clint Eastwood
John Wayne
  ...Confused yet? LOL I DEFINATELY meant Clint Eastwood! ^.^
For dinner, Tracy (and Izzy) made STUFFED PASTA. Sorry, Heather... :| pokerface|: YUM! Then,  I drew more and took a shower... The End. :P (P.S. It rained ALL day)

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