Thursday, June 14, 2012

My brother and sister-in-law, Tracy, left their old house today at around 13:00. So I was going to go donate  blood early, but we managed to lose the car keys (mom did it)... I have also had to cancel a few other plans because they came early, but that's fine since I've been really looking forward to spending the summer in Florida.

Found: Report Card.... XD
A- in Psychology, teacher commented, "Outstanding achievement"
B+ in Concert Choir (missed a few assignments), teacher commented, "Have a song-filled summer!"
B+ in Chemistry.
B in Spanish 2.
A in Accounting.
B in Composition\American Literature, teacher commented, "Great writing ability! A pleasure to have in class."

14:18 = Found: Car Keys! (in pink Victoria's Secret bag next to mom's faux fur coat) Brother called at 14:09 to say they're 35 minutes or so away from our house. We left at 14:52... Brother drove ahead of us the entire way in the Penske Moving Truck:

So a few hours later, we got to Racine and went to visit "great grandma," which was slightly awkward since she is the grandmother of my dad's first wife (brother's ma). We brought dinner from Culver's... YAY! And I saw a mug in her kitchen that said, "Uff Da" on it. (Pass it on Heather! Lol) Upon leaving "great grandma's" house, lost my phone... in my pocket. Don't laugh, Heather! (angry face)
So on the freeway there was this guy pulling a boat that I thought on the side, it said "Gayliner." Slightly dissappointed to find out it actually said, "Bayliner." LOL

Oh My Gosh, look at their dog, so cute!!!!!!!!! ^.^

We made it through Chicago... in one piece! ^.^ Later on, The Wind Mills, the Wind MILLS!!!

At 21:28, we hit a HUGE traffic jam, which was almost impossible to get around. I had to wonder if we'd ever make it to the hotel on time? BTW: Thanks to Tracy, "Aunt Irma" has made a third contribution to my monthly collection box. Bleh! XP At 21:57, we MADE IT past the traffic jam!!! Hey nonny nonny! :P

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