Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We Has WIFI - June 26

This morning I awoke to "Get up," from Brother as he and Tracy headed out the door to got to work. I hopped out of bed and immediately began the day! Today, for Vacation Bible School, the kids were supposed to wear CRAZY HAIR, so I spiked Trenten's and put Izzy's in a pony tail on top of her hair... Don't judge my lack of creativity! It was 7AM central time! BLEH.

So when we got to the church this morning, we had to walk all the way around the building to the back door... I met a cute guy who I talked to a little about our CRAZY HAIR and even though I don't know his name I really hope we talk some more! I took a pic of Trenten of Izzy and some random guy iwth Sex-in-a-can jumped in saying "Don't forget the most important part!" YAY for caffeine addicts and anyone who knows what sex-in-a-can is! ^.^
You can also see Trenten's CRAZY HAIR in the right of this pic! ^.^
I stayed by Izzy because she was being shy, and the "Ocean Incite" for today was "Dare to care for others." Whenever you hear the OI, you're supposed to say "Dive In!" and do a diving motion... :| First we went to "science" and drew with white crayons on a WHITE piece of paper, then looked at it under the black light. Science --> Games --> Crafts --> Snack --> Storytelling --> End Songs. The games were unusual, the craft  was a message in a bottle kinda neat but.... boring. LOL the snack was a weird trail mixy thingy and water... Then we learned about some guy who's name starts with an N, who God healed in the Jordan river.
After lunch, we made a movie, which will be on youtube.com as soon as I edit it (got a few years?) drew for a while and watched some TV. Dinner = steak and potatoes from the grill. Despues de la cena, Brother and I took the kids to the pool and I got a self-esteem boost because I heard two guys talking about me and one of them was like, "... then go over there and talk to her..." the other guy glanced at me and whispered, "...I can't..." It made me feel pretty! :P
UPS dropped off our motem from at&t FINALLY

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