Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Something's Fishy - July 3

I took the kids to see Puss in Boots, for like a buck each, this morning at like 10:00, at the Oviedo Mall. Then we had lunch at Subway in the food court, and returned home... The kids said they DIDN'T want to go swimming, so we stayed in and colored. Then Izzy wanted me to do her make-up, so I did; then I painted her nails, then she did MINE!
THEN she wanted me to do her hair in a lot of braids, so I did it in "Dakotar" Braids, but she fell asleep in the middle.... I finished anywayz:
Lol, there are three of them! So then, Trenten and I played Wii Sports - Baseball, Pirates of the Carribean, and Super Mario Bros, all on the wii. When Tracy got home from work, we watched some TV, then had dinner (left over stuffed pasta). After dinner Brother, the kids and I, went fishing in the pond behind the house; it was my first time! I even caught one with Izzy's rod... ^.^
Of course, right after Brother took my picture with it, we released it into the water! Now I know why my old friend, Katherine, liked going fishing so much. Anyway, it started to rain so we went in the house, and the kids got a bath... Brother cut Trenten's hair! ^.^

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